Saturday 14 May 2016

Bob's Burgers

‘Bob’s Burgers’ is an animated sitcom created by Loren Bouchard that follows the lives of the Belchers, a family who own and manage an unorthodox hamburger restaurant on ‘Ocean Avenue’. Debuting on the 9th of January, 2011, the show details the difficulties of owning a small business in a commercialized district, with Bob’s Burgers falling victim to a fire, a rodent infestation and a fallen telegraph pole within the first week. 

The pilot episode, entitled ‘Human Flesh’, introduces us to the both the restaurant and the family, with wife Linda, and three children Tina, Gene and Louise. We soon learn the odd and eccentric nature of the group. 

Throughout the episode, owner and father Bob is accused of using human meat in his food products, after his youngest daughter uses the falsified information for ‘show and tell’ at school. This leads to a decrease in popularity, and eventually a riot on behalf of the townspeople.

Finally, test results are received that indicate human remains were not used in the production of burgers as a meat substitute, leading to a mass reconciliation.The show concludes with Bob and his wife sharing an intimate moment a top a Ferris wheel, with the three kids in the carriage behind shouting abuse. 

The series’ awkward humor and inappropriate commentary make it quite funny, engaging and popular. In conclusion, I would highly consider continuing to watch the increasingly popular TV show.

To view the intro to the show, watch the video below!

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