Wednesday 11 May 2016


Welcome to our blog! Here's a little bit about us.....

Life as a uni student can be hectic and stressful. Being able to unwind and forget about the work that needs completing (even if it's just for 40 minutes) is necessary in order to survive. And we have a solution, with a good quality TV series.

You can reach us on twitter and get live updates at

AlanaHey it's Alana! I am a second year uni student studying commerce and marketing! Anyone who knows me would tell you I love being active, but hey there is always time for a tv series here and there! I particularly love to watch crime shows, and I'm addicted to 'Prison Break'.

Amy: Hi, I'm Amy! I am a first year law and social science student. If I'm not consumed in uni work or my part time job, you will find me at the gym, out with friends or my favourite - binge watching tv shows! If I had to watch only one show for the rest of my life, it would without a doubt be 'Friends'. I can't wait to share my thoughts on some different drama shows.

Riley: Hi! I'm Riley. I study economics and media at university - that is, when I'm not caught up with hanging out with friends or watching tv shows! Comedies are one of my favourite genres of shows to watch, with 'How I Met Your Mother' the standout for me.

Christina: Hello! I'm Christina. Apart from studying commerce and HR at uni, I'd like to find myself spending time with family and friends, or catching up on tv shows! My all time favourite show is 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians', and I can't wait to review other reality shows.

(Top Left - Bottom Right: Christina, Amy, Riley, Alana)

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