Monday 16 May 2016



‘Friends’ is an American sitcom that aired from 1994 to 2004. The show features a group of six friends, namely, Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe, Chandler and Rachel, all of whom live in Manhattan, New York. 

The pilot episode, entitled ‘The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate’, opens with the all too familiar theme song “I’ll Be There For You” , one that every individual who lived through the 1990s should surely know. The show then moves on to showcase the cafe, a recurring venue associated to the group, where we are introduced to the diverse conglomerate for the first time. 
It is here we learn that Ross has recently split from his wife, after discovering her true sexuality. The gang then attempt to introduce Rachel to the ‘real world’ of jobs and expectations after she decides to leave her husband at the alter, whilst Monica accompanies ‘Paul the Wine Guy’ on a dinner date. 

I found the episode extraordinarily fetching and hilarious. From Joey’s infamous metaphor of women and ice cream, to Ross’s awkward charm, I was hanging on to every line, watching intently. I can’t stop myself from watching more episodes!  

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