Monday 16 May 2016

The Hills

The Hills 

One of MTV's many popular reality tv shows realised in the early days of 2006, The Hills was a result and spin off of the previous reality tv show known as Laguna Beach (which was basically about about a bunch of teenagers who lived in Laguna Beach and their clique dramas) with the same female lead Lauren Conrad along with three of her friends Heidi, Whitney and Audrina. The show follows these four young women who come to Los Angeles to pursue their dreams, full of typical drama it focuses on maintaining the balance on boys, friendships and their careers in LA.

The first episode's title "New City, New Drama" says its all. Lauren moves into the big city of LA with her bestfriend Heidi Montag into a quaint little apartment and while settling in, quickly needs to get into the mojo of balancing her work life being an intern at Teen Vogue and doing fashion school. Nothing starts off a good reality tv show without a little drama, and of course, there was. With Lauren hosting a work event and Heidi trying to sabotage it (unintentionally of course!).

I found this show to be one of my favourites and all time "oldie but goldies" for all young girls out there! Many aspects within the show related to me in so many ways and I was surprised at how the drama can actually hit much closer to home!

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